bio: My name is Ashli Crowe. I'm a 21 year old artist, crafter, barista, cupcake enthusiast, and dreamer. Creating for Etsy started out as a hobby and quickly grew into a passion. I love birds, old things, boring things, and cats.

1. How long have you been crafty?
I've been creating ever since I was little. My mom has always been a crafty person, and I picked that up from her. She was always working on some sort of project, and I couldn't wait to start creating on my own! My artistic side developed when I was in high school.

2. What made you decide that jewelry was your medium?
Jewelry is just the only medium that I sell right now. I'm also an aspiring pastry chef, and I like to paint for my own enjoyment. I like jewelry because it's almost like a little piece of art that you get to carry around with you and wear all day. Your accessories can really express who you are, and I love helping people express themselves.

3. How is your treasury project going? Explain to the readers a little bit about it
I started this treasury project in May, shortly after the release of Treasury East. I wanted to challenge myself to do something creatively, so I decided to make a treasury every day for a year. The commitment has been really fun, but it's also very creatively draining sometimes. But I feel like it keeps me plugged into what's going on with Etsy, and it has also given me a very critical eye which helps my own shop. I would love to take a day off sometime.... but I guess I will do that next May!

4. What's your favorite movie, and why?
"Stranger than Fiction" starring Will Ferrell and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I saw it with my husband when we were dating, and I was undecided about what to pursue in college. I just fell in love with the simplicity of a bakery and was inspired to go to Culinary School. I also think it's the sweetest and most subtly romantic movie I've ever seen. I'm also just a big Will Ferrell fan, so it was fun for me to see him in a role that wasn't completely over the top.

5. What's a typical weekend like for you?
Fridays I wake up early and go to work at a locally owned coffee shop here in Charleston. I work to perfect my latte art (which is very much a never-ending process), then I go home and make a treasury. I'll pack up any orders and take them to the post office. If my husband is also off work, we usually go eat somewhere. I don't like to cook even though I went to Culinary School. I just like baking. We'll probably catch a movie, go shopping, or just spend time at home with our cat Moses. Weekends are really laid back for us and always go by way too quickly.
Win This Necklace!!

Valued at $19!!
How to Enter: (leaver a comment for each entry to count!)
1. Visit Ashli's Shop and pick your fave item and leave a comment
2. Tweet about this giveaway!
4. Follow @factorygrlashli or @papercakes
5. Follow this blog on google friend connect
6. Like Paper*Cakes on facebook
7. Like FactorygrlAshli on facebook
8. Heart Ashli on etsy
9. Follow Ashli's Blog
10. Blog about this giveaway
11. Put my button in your sidebar
12. Facebook about this giveaway
Closes Nov. 1
I follow Ashli on twitter:)
I have thought this item:
Was adorable for a VERY long time!
Following papercakes now:)
following THIS blog now, which btw I love, so glad I got to see it:)
I heqrt ashli on etsy
i found ashli's shop on etsy a while back and i absolutely adore it and i love following her on twitter, she has a great (hilariously) blunt personality and just tells it like it is.
i love this mismatched pair of earrings from her shop! http://www.etsy.com/listing/59774160/dark-floral-mismatched-earrings
i tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/blueheartlove
I love the Grecian Leaves Brass Earrings !
I tweeted about the giveaway
I follow both of you on twitter
I love the owl locket brass necklace!
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sweet shop! I added it to my etsy. :D
I love the Owl Locket Raw Brass Necklace. I love owls! :D lovely blog!
sweetangelmt at hotmail.com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/cozycomfycouch/status/28911723446
following! :D
#6 done! :D
#7 done!
Heart etsy! :D
Blogged about it here
I put your cute button on my blog. Its on the left side under creative links! :D
I facebooked it! :D
i tweeted:
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i like the lemon drop earrings among other things- all so lovely!
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i follow you both on twitter @mamipdx
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i gfc follow you!
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i like factorygrl ashley on facebook (wren nelson)
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divertida at fastmail dot fm
i shared on facebook (wren nelson)
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i hearted her shop on etsy (maestramami)
divertida at fastmail dot fm
I love the Lonely Stag Necklace!
I follow Ashli's blog via GFC.
My favorite are the Dia de los Muertos Post Earrings
I Like Paper*Cakes on facebook Ivana Nikolova
I Like FactorygrlAshli on facebook
Ivana Nikolova
I love Lost Antler Copper Earrings.
Follow @factorygrlashli and @papercakes as @monikaretnani.
Follow this blog on google friend connect as Monik.
Like Paper*Cakes on facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Like FactorygrlAshli on facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Follow Ashli's Blog via GFC as Monik.
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
following @papercakes on twitter
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
following Ashli's blog
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
"hearted" on Etsy
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
blogged about ya
Mallory1031 at gmail dot com
Facebooking this lovely giveaway on my photography page:
Enter me please! My fav item is Eau de Cologne French Label Necklace.
Ana Belén R.M
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/fisiwoman/status/28922104928
Ana Belén R.M
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Ana Belén R.M
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Ana Belén R.M
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Ana Belén R.M
I Like FactorygrlAshli on facebook (Ana Belén R M)
Ana Belén R.M
Post it on my FB wall: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=161250653906761&id=100000825276857
Ana Belén R.M
My favorite is the Owl Locket Raw Brass Necklace
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I heart Ashli on Etsy - my Etsy name is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love the Mums the Word bracelet
marloweopat at gmail dot com
Im a new follower via GFC
marloweopat at gmail dot com
I hearted Ashli's Etsy Shop
marloweopat at gmail dot com
I love the pretty pastels antiqued brass necklace!
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
I hearted on etsy! (bokononist)
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
I'm following papercakes @mrsclutterbuck
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
I like the swallow tattoo ring
I follow ashli and papercakes on twitter
I follow ashli's blog
Lovely! I love the Autumn Garden Adjustable Ring - PUMPKIN!
lauren.m.gibson AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted about the giveaway. @RowdyFan81
I follow @factorygrlashli on Twitter. @RowdyFan81
I like The Factory on Facebook. @RowdyFan81
I absolutely adore "Night on the Town Adjustable Cameo Ring - ONE OF A KIND".
alionandalamb at aol dot com
I follow via Google Friend Connect.
alionandalamb at aol dot com
I like Paper*Cakes on facebook.
alionandalamb at aol dot com
I like FactorygrlAshli on facebook.
alionandalamb at aol dot com
I "hearted" on Etsy.
alionandalamb at aol dot com
I am now following her blog.
alionandalamb at aol dot com
liked on facebook as kate mcp
katmckid at aol dot com
I like the Olive Oil Beaded Flower Earrings in Nickel Free Antiqued Brass, understated and perfect for fall!
sswpss at yahoo dot com
From the Forest Acorn and Owl Necklace is my fave!
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
My favorite is Pearly Birdie Nickel Free Earrings.
xlacrimax at gmail dot com
I am your new follower.
xlacrimax at gmail dot com
I follow Papercakes on Twitter ^-^
And Ashli as well :)
love the Lonely Stag necklace. This giveaway prize is great.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I really like the Snowfall Sparrow Branch Necklace.
my favorite item is either the man in the moon earrings or the midnight estate style earrings
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i am now following papercakes on twitter as ravencolours
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i am now following factorygirlashli on twitter as ravencolours
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i am now following ashli's blog on gfc as ravencolours
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i am now following your blog on gfc as ravencolours
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i heart ashli on etsy as ravencolours
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i liked the factory on facebook
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
i liked paper*cakes on facebook
ksumpte1 at kent dot edu
I like the Teenage Romance necklace. I love a good mixtape and dancing in the rain.
I follow @papercakes on Twitter. @issaino
I liked Paper*Cakes on FB.
I liked FactorygrlAshli on FB.
I hearted Ashli on etsy.
I already heart Ashli on Etsy and on Twitter. ;)
love the buttercream rose adjustable ring!
I love the Pretty Kitty Filigree Ring in Light Pink
I follow your blog
I follow Ashli's blog
I like Turning Paris Pink Pin!
I Like Paper*Cakes on facebook!
(oksana vladimirovna)
I Like FactorygrlAshli on facebook!
(oksana vladimirovna)
I Hearted Ashli on etsy!
Following Ashli's Blog!
I think the reindeer IS my favorite, but I'm also loving the holiday cheer charm necklace!!
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
Following papercakes and sent a request to follow you on twitter as @champagnewisdom - yay! :)
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
my favorite item is Turning Paris Pink Pin, because i've visited Paris few months ago and i loved it!
isollea at gmail dot com
I love Ashli's new mismatched earrings! :D
I follow Ashli on FB
I follow your blog :)
LOVE the tattooed lady bobby pin set! (and everything else!)
I love the Deez Nuts earrings. I've been to the US a week ago and would have loved to bring a squirrel home with me!
I love the Storm Cloud Poppy Necklace!
I follow Papercakes on twitter, username slowclublover.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/slowclublover/status/29309673314
I love the Night on the Town Adjustable Cameo Ring!
nina AT msoa DOT net
I love this one:
I follow Ashli's blog
I follow your blog!
I like factorygirl on facebook.
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on etsy.
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follow this blog
Jessica Sage
LOVE the give a hoot earrings
follow ashli on twitter
liked paper cakes on fb
Jessica Sage
liked the factory on fb
Jessica Sage
follow ashli's blog
Jessica Sage
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