About Alex Keller
Alex Keller is an artist living and creating in Tucson, Arizona.
Her passion is beauty. It encompasses fashion, art and design. In her corner of the world, she has channeled it into making jewelry. Her line, Jewelry Recycled, was inspired at the jewelry counter of a resale shop. It includes antique, vintage and resale jewelry that she has reconstructed into fresh and {new} pieces.

Her addiction is thrifting and antiquing. Vintage by Alex Keller started as a place to sell vintage jewelry. It has grown into a curation of housewares and décor that Alex would want for herself. These items stay with her for a time, are rediscovered, and make their way to new homes.
1. What inspires you to come up with new designs?
sometimes it's something i saw someone wearing or something in a magazine. i have 2 big binders of tear sheets. sometimes it's from the chains, pearls and baubles themselves.

2. How long have you been creating?
ever since i was a child. i was always coloring, making clothes for my Barbies ... then i picked up jewelry in college - first as friendship bracelets, then working on a bead loom. when i lived in Chicago, i started making jewelry and had my work in a few boutiques. i started Jewelry Recycled just last year.

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?
i have a small work table in our home office, but i also take over our dining room table. my husband never gets to play on the pool table underneath!

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business
to continue making and creating each day. i'd like to have 2 collections - fall/winter and spring/summer.

5. What is your favorite album?
all time favorite is probably something 80s - like Madonna's Like a Virgin

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
active in my son's school, working with wholesalers to sell my jewelry line and selling vintage - maybe having a booth in an antique mall

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?
catch up on everything! house cleaning, blog reading, & all the little stuff.

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn
i'd love to take a metal smithing class!
Look What You Can Win!

How to Enter: (leave a comment for each entry to count)
- Check out Alex's shop and post your favorite item
- Follow this blog with google friend connect
- Follow @papercakes on twitter
- follow @alexandrakeller on twitter
- Follow Alex's Blog
- Tweet about this giveaway
- Post this giveaway on your facebook page
- Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook
- Put my button in your sidebar
- Heart either of Alex's two shops on etsy http://vintagebyalexkeller.etsy.com/ OR http://alexkeller.etsy.com/
- Heart Paper*Cakes on Etsy
- Add Alex as a friend
Good Luck!

very pretty things, i love it!!
I love the 'baubles' necklace.
rebecca.nvcl at gmail.com
pearlized - earrings of vintage and recycled jewelry is my favorite item!! beautiful!
and i am following your blog
isollea at gmail dot com
i am following you on twitter.
isollea at gmail dot com
i am following alex on twitter
isollea at gmail dot com
and i am following alex's blog..
isollea at gmail dot com
i heart alex's shop :)
isollea at gmail dot com
I love the chained one silver earrings!
i am LOVING the ray necklace! so sweet!
thanks for a chance to win!
secret is safe - a necklace of vintage and recycled jewelry
my favorite.
Following the blog with GFC.
It is definitely a tie between the skeleton key necklaces and the bohemian bracelets! Love them!
I am following this blog as Alicia B on google friends connect. :)
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I am following alex's blog as Alicia B!
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wolf girl_
I liked papercakes on facebook as alicia benedict (my full name)
Liked Paper*Cakes on Facebook.
I hearted papercakes on etsy ; my name is orchidlily2222 on etsy!
Put button on sidebar
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Amanda L.
I added alex as a friend on facebook (aliciabenedict)
I love this http://www.etsy.com/listing/30574140/ice-queen-ii-a-bracelet-of-recycled
I follow this blog as
Dragonfly Kisses Jewelry
I love the Your Secret is Safe vintage and recycled necklace, very cute.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
hearted vintage by alex shop (jhbalvin)
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
following alex's blog on gfc as jhb.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
following your blog as jhb.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
hearted paper cakes shop, my gosh, your stuff is really adorable.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
following @papercakes on twitter
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
and following @alexandrakeller on twitter, as @jhitomi
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I like the secret is safe necklace, I've always had a love for key jewelry! Thanks for entering me into this giveaway.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail.com
the vintage skeleton keys are amazing! xo
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
following @papercakes on twitter @sparkily
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
i am following @alexkeller on twitter @sparkily
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
following alex keller's blog via gfc
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
hearted papercakes on etsy
kimberly.long at gmail dot com
I love the Green with Envy necklace!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
I love the frankie earrings!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Uh, wow! I can't even begin to say how much I love this: http://www.etsy.com/listing/59876306/pearls-of-vintage-a-necklace-of-vintage
It just looks so elegant, so Jane Austen. Lovely!
bannercat at gmail
I love the secret is safe necklace
I follow you with google friend connect
I'm following Alex's blog with google friend connect
I'm following alexandrakeller on twitter @buttonlove
I follow you on twitter @buttonlove
I love this:
contact email: tsgiveaways(at)hotmail.com
i tiwtter follow papercakes as timesurge
I love the vintage sparkle necklace
( :
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
I love the vintage sparkle necklace
( :
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
i fave this one:) purple haze - a necklace of vintage and recycled jewelry
so pure and vintage >o<
wulanseries at gmail dot com
I Follow this blog with google friend connect
GFC:wulan sari
wulanseries at gmail dot com
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name:Wulan Sari P
wulanseries at gmail dot com
I love Ray necklace - mid century modern - vintage and recycled jewelry - gold.
Already follow this blog with google friend connect as Monik.
Already follow @papercakes on twitter as @monikaretnani.
Follow @alexandrakeller on twitter as @monikaretnani.
Follow Alex's Blog via GFC as Monik.
Already like Paper*Cakes on Facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Add Alex as a friend as Monika Lintang Retnani.
the gray garden necklace is gorgeous! hootpuddin2(at)gmail(dot)com
the pull rank necklace!
blog follower!
I follow Alex's blog too
My favorite is the silver glamour necklace! jennywigdahl@gmail.com
I follow your blog! jennywigdahl@gmail.com
I now follow Alex's blog! jennywigdahl@gmail.com
I heart Alex's shop on Etsy! (http://www.etsy.com/shop/alexkeller) jennywigdahl@gmail.com
I heart Paper*Cakes on Etsy! jennywigdahl@gmail.com
Awesome shop. I love those key necklaces, but other than that, my fav is "Secret is Safe"...another key necklace. Ok, so I love them!
Following this blog
I follow PaperCakes on twitter (everybodyelse01)
And I follow alexandrakeller on twitter (everybodyelse01)
Following Alex's blog
Liked Papercakes on facebook
Hearted the vintag shop (I'm www.everybodyelse.etsy.com)
Beautiful shop! I love night - earrings of vintage and recycled jewelry!
landofpoppies at gmail dot com
I follow this blog with google friend connect
I follow Alex's Blog
hearted http://alexkeller.etsy.com/
Hearted Paper*Cakes on Etsy
I'm following your blog.
i love this necklace http://www.etsy.com/listing/32178600/pull-rank-a-necklace-of-vintage-and
I like the ice queen ii bracelet a lot!
cyclona66(At) aol dot com
I added Alex's shops on Etsy.
cyclona66(At) aol dot com
I'm a follower of this blog. captainliss40@gmail.com
The Bohemian Bracelets are super cute!
pretty! i adore this:
I retweeted your contest notice:)
I ADORE the little bits turquoise necklace.
I absolutely love this bracelet:
So pretty
My fave item is the pull round - vintage drawer pull necklace.
violettarakic at gmail dot com
I'm following your blog!
violettarakic at gmail dot com
I'm following Alexa's blog!
violettarakic at gmail dot com
I put your button on the right sidebar of my blog!
violettarakic at gmail dot com
I like Silver Glamour Necklace.
I'm a blog follower.
My favorite is dark secrets necklace.
sms0509 (at) gmail (dot) com.
I'm following the blog.
sms0509 (at) gmail (dot) com.
I favorited vintagebyalexkeller on etsy. (mangosteph)
sms0509 (at) gmail (dot) com.
I visited the shop! I liked this bohemian wrap bracelet- http://www.etsy.com/listing/58315528/bohemian-wrap-bracelet-leather-lace-and I'd rock that :)
I follow @papercakes on twitter! (I'm @TiaColleen)
I tweeted!! http://twitter.com/TiaColleen/statuses/909377091411968
I REALLY adore these little skelly key necklaces! http://www.etsy.com/listing/59877928/dark-secrets-vintage-skeleton-key
desireefawn at gmail.com
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