1. What inspires you to come up with new designs?
I would say boredom, but my partner would probably say neurosis. If I had my way I would craft all the time. Typically, I can cram in a good 8 hours on a daily basis. Because I spend so much time in my creative space I tend to come up with too many product designs, illustration inspirations and blog post ideas. I love to be productive and creative, but unfortunately when it comes to crafting I'm not great at dealing with constant repetition. This means I'll probably have an expanding product line for a while longer.

2. How long have you been creating?
I've been creative my whole life, but I got really involved in the crafting and DIY community bake in 2005. I was planning my wedding and I found a vintage album that referenced a trousseau. When my grandmother explained that girls used to make quilts and save them for their married life I felt oddly inspired. That night I started crocheting a very misshaped blanket. The blanket was never finished and the marriage didn't survive, but my love of crafting is still going strong.

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?
Most of the making happens in my craft room. I really like the space and I have grand redecoration plans for after the holiday season. Even though it seems to be in a constant state of disorder, I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate having this space in my home.

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business
I have rather realistic and even achievable short-term goals for my business. I would love for it to provide me with the income that a part time job would allow. I have a one year old baby running around this house, so it doesn't allow for much time to do the million and one things it takes to build a handmade empire. I have to remind myself daily that this will be a slow process but with persistence and consistency I could very well achieve my dreams.

5. What is your favorite album?
Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos will always have my heart. I hate to admit this but I am terrible at finding and listening to new music. I really haven't evolved musically since the seventh grade.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Oh my, I wish I knew the answer to this one. I would hope that the business side of My Girl Thursday will be going strong and providing the career I've always dreamed of. I seem to have an undying and relentless drive to make this happen - so if all goes well in a few years I'll see a pay-off from this dedication.

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?
Being a stay-at-home-mom during the day and a work-at-home-mom at night is a mixed bag. Every day feels like a cross between a Saturday and Monday. But on the days that both my partner and I have off my favourite thing to do is leave town and visit family and friends. It's never relaxing or carefree, but there's something about gathering together that makes me so happy.

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn
Knitting! I can't tell you a thing about it because every time I've tried to learn I end up banging my head against the wall and forgetting everything. Hand knit things are among the most beautiful things in the world. I wish I could be responsible for something like that.
Blog - http://www.mygirlthursday.com
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/mygirlthursday
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/my-girl-thursday/
Free shipping to Canada/USA in Thursday's shop right now !

Great post! Thanks for introducing me to such a great shop! Love the bright colors!
loving those totes ... thanks for sharing. have a fabulous weekend. xx
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