Friday, January 7, 2011

An Interview and Giveaway with Jenny Holiday!

Jenny Heid & Aaron Nieradka are a duo of artists from the New Jersey Shore. We have been designing together for more than 16 years and our artwork has gone through many changes as far as size, scope, and mediums; First starting as antique furniture restorers & muralists...and then moving on to own our hand painted furniture company and retail store. We followed that with a line of gifts and home accessories that we sold to shops and boutiques nationwide. Our designs have graced the pages of magazines such as Country Living, Country Home, Woman's Day Decorating Ideas, Design New Jersey, Romantic Homes, Somerset Life, The New York Times Magazine...and were featured on NBC's Today Show with Matt Lauer. We have been lucky enough to work with some of the most amazing designers & decorators in the Tri State area & beyond, and have earned a long list of celebrity clients. Now our focus is on licensing our unique designs to select manufacturers of home accessories and stationery items. Almost daily we are adding to our growing collection of very personal artwork which draws upon our love for vintage collectibles, old fashioned bakeries, holiday decorations, vintage wallpapers, fabrics, & ephemera. We have been instructors at many national venues including Silver Bella in Omaha, NE, Art Opera in Red Bank, NJ and Art Is...You, CT. You can see what we're up to on our Blog, which bears the same name as our company: Everyday is a Holiday. Visit:

1. What inspires you to come up with new designs?

So many things inspire us to create! I could go on and on here. We could be at an antique shop looking through vintage greeting cards and wrapping paper, or I may see a photo on flickr of a cake someone baked....or a bakery case full of sweets! Even the current issue of Elle may do it!

2. How long have you been creating?

Together...we have been creating for over 16 years! Right out of high school we started a business together. We painted furniture and restored antiques. It's sorta mind blowing when we stop and think back to all that we have done together artistically. Our career time line would be amazing if illustrated or journaled. We may have to do just that!

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?

We rent the 2nd floor of an old house a few blocks from the Ocean. (on the Jersey Shore..and yes...we have seen the Jersey Shore house in person...J Woww as well) We have 2 bedrooms and the second serves as our studio. It has great natural light...and we make the most of the limited square footage. The room and it's contents fit like a puzzle! I swear some feels like a game of Tetris!

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business

We are lucky enough to have some licensing deals right now. One with Peter Pauper Press. They have great distribution, they are extremely honest, and got us prominent display space at Barnes & Noble bookstores across the US...for our Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake designs. We would LOVE to do a bunch more licensing! We're also lucky enough to be instructors at some amazing art retreats across the country. We would love nothing more than to have a calendar full of teaching gigs!

5. What is your favorite album?

Ohhh wow....of all time or current? Let's go with current...and Aaron and I both agree here...which is sorta weird. We have a lot of fave bands in common...but if you were to ask us both for a top ten list they would be tooootally different. currently.... Local Natives/Gorilla Manor. They are amazing live!! We saw them in NYC on Halloween! One of the best shows ever! The entire album is amazing...not a dog on it!

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

hmm...we would love to be producing a fabric and/or wallpaper collection. And hopefully we will be publishing book number 2! ;)

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?

Hang with our crew! aka my sister, and my brothers. We spazz out. Wigs are somehow always involved. Don't ask! ;)

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn

Sewing!!!! Sewing!!! Sewing!!!..yes yes I know..soo lame that I can't sew! And Aaron would love to make jewelry!! yep...true!


Look what you can win!

Keep calm and have a cupcake writing set and bag.

To Enter;

Visit Jenny's Shop and pick your fave item, and leave it in a comment.

To qualify for additional entries you can..

2. Follow Jenny on flickr
3. Blog about this giveaway
4. Follow this blog on GFC
5. Follow Papercakes on Twitter
6. Put my button in your sidebar
7. Tweet this giveaway
8. Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook


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Jenny Holiday & Aaron said...

Thanks so so much Chels!!

You are the best!! Paper Cakes Finds is such a Fabbbb blog!!! So much eye candy!! So honored to be featured!!!

LOVE ya to bits!!!

xoxo Jenny

Unknown said...

I love this!

Unknown said...

I tweeted and I followed you on twitter! :)

stacycakes said...

Great article and love all of henny and aarons success, they are so fun and create such wonderful whimsical art, they are an inspiration!! Congratulations on all their success! Love stacycakes

Kitty said...

Her shop is so SWEET. I love the little girl with the raven the most.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.

love love,
Fritzi Marie

Kitty said...

p.s. I follow both of you on facebook.


va said...

i like the above link .

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

already fb fan of papercakes / ana amanti

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

gfc follower of this blog

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

Shenny said...

I adore the Art Print Necklace PINK Cupcake pendant chain cherry jumbo round! So sweet, it must really be a great show stopper.

isztarv at o2 dot pl

Shenny said...

I am a GFC follower!

isztarv at o2 dot pl

Shenny said...

and I like Paper*Cakes on facebook! (anna nowogonska)

isztarv at o2 dot pl

Libby said...

I Like this

TheOptimist said...

I love the Vintage inspired Original art PRINT round plaque sign Charlotte

TheOptimist said...

I also follow this blog via gfc

Betty said...

I don't even have to go visit Jenny's blog. I have had my eye on Jenny and Aaron's chalkboard dessert board for years!! I absolutely love their art. I wish, I wish they did have fabric. Can you imagine the cute aprons and kitcheny things I could make!!!

captainliss40 said...

My favorite item is the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake mini plaque in black. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

Barb said...

The vintage bakery menu is precious! I love it.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Barb said...

I've added Jenny on flickr!

Mahala said...

My favorite is the little girl with the crow. I love crows. I already follow on flickr. Jenny's work has been, well is always so much fun to look at. I adore her. :)

Kim Caldwell said...

Beyond fabulous! I adore these two!!



Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

my favourite piece is "Vintage Bakery inspired CAKES Menu board".

Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

I'm following this blog via GFC.

Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

I like Paper Cakes Finds on Facebook.
FB name: Francesca D'Alessandro

Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

I tweeted about the giveaway here.

mom2girls said...

I personally love all the baking inspired art but I am picking this on behalf of my ten year old daughter who is very into goth right now and would just LOVE this little girl: OOAK Original Folk Art painting Girl Doll Raven leopard print blue cardigan very cool!

mom2girls said...

I follow this blog on GFC as Tracy Taylor

magicbeanbuyer said...

I looooove this. So tasty!

KarenZ said... is my favorite item.

magicbeanbuyer said...

I follow Jenny on flickr too!

magicbeanbuyer said...

Also follow PaperCakes on Twitter and Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalkboard with the three cupcakes on it. I have a coffee themed kitchen and it would go great in there! I followed you and posted the giveaway on my blog, Jenny I would love it if you stopped by and visited and followed me!
Thanks Francine

MihaeRa said...


I love this item from Jenny`s shop:

e-mail: miha_loves_zaf at yahoo dot com

MihaeRa said...

I follow Jenny on flickr as miha_loves_zaf.

MihaeRa said...

I`m already following u on gfc as m.t.; on facebook as Mihaela Toana and on twitter as @miha_loves_zaf.

MihaeRa said...

I`ve shared thru twitter:

MihaeRa said...

I`ve shared about this giveaway on my blog and added a banner on the sidebar:

Kisses and a big hug!!!!

Jill said...

what a great giveaway.
my favorite is the vintage cakes menu...i can just picture it in my kitchen. :)

Unknown said...

My favourite item is Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake plaque PINK 8x10 :)

ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk

Unknown said...

I follow your blog on GFC :)

Recycled Rita said...

I LOVE Jenny and Aaron so was so happy to see you highlight them! My favorite in their shop right now is the Vintage Bakery Cake menu board and cupcake menu board. But.....I also loooove the ferris wheel painting that they have done that isn't in the shop!
Happy New Year! karen.....

Recycled Rita said...

I am a follower of Jenny's!

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter :)
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk

Unknown said...

I follow on facebook.
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk

Wehaf said...

What amazing work! I adore the Folk Art DOLL piano RECITAL print hanging plaque!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favourite piece is this:

The girl is so adorable, I can't even.

J. Deutsch

nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham) said...

I like The Folk Art Doll Piano Recital.

Anonymous said...

I'm also friends on FB.

J. Deutsch

nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham) said...

I follow with gfc as nicolthepickle.

nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham) said...

I like PaperCakes on facebook (Nicoline G.)

Anonymous said...

And I follow this blog of GFC.


Anonymous said...

I'm also following on twitter:


Lori said...

Hi Chelsea!
How to decide?? Well its a tie between the cupcakes and the vintage menu! OMG!! Almost fainted thinking of a kitchen with Jenny and Aaron's wallpaper one!!
Hope I win! One can never have enough cuteness! Love,Lori

Lori said...

P.S Joined on Facebook too!!Lori

Anonymous said...

AND I've tweeted about the giveaway (from the same Twitter as before).


Anonymous said...

Last but not least, I've blogged about the post:


(BTW, sorry if I somehow made duplicate posts. My internet is going crazy for some reason.)

remarker/fcffollower said...

My favorite is the Vintage Bakery inspired CAKES Menu board 11x14

Anonymous said...

oooooh! I love cupcakes! My favorite item has to be the cupcake necklace:


fisiwoman said...

My fav item is OOAK Mixed Media PAINTING vintage dolls Pink SHUTTER collage girls Folk Art.

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...

Following via google, as fisiwoman.

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...


Ana Belén R.M

Anonymous said...

I love the Original Chocolate Cupcake Plaque.


Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!


Anonymous said...

Really love the Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake plaque in black!

Nonelle said...

I like the pretty "keep calm and have a cupcake" posters - they'd look so fun on my dorm wall!


Nonelle said...

I also liked papercakes on facebook~


Nonelle said...

I also follow this blog! ~~


Michelle said...

I really like the Cupcakes vintage bakery inspired Menu board!
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

TopHat said...

I like the piano recital print!

hrfarley at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Following with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Follow Papercakes on Twitter as mrsmchappell
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...
Today's tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love the "Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake plaque PINK 8x10" from jenny's shop!


Cindy Jurries said...

The ooak girl holding cake with polka dots in pink is so cute!

jur15 (at) mindspring(dot)com

Cindy Jurries said...

I like papercakes on FB.

Vanessa said...

I love this!

It's so special!

Vanessa said...

I am also an old gcf follower! public (:

Anonymous said...

Wow...great stuff. I love the
"Art print Necklace retro Pink Hair doll Aqua bow pendant chain"

Thanks !

nitika.nagpal.1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Always loved Jenny´s work as she is so talented :)
I would love to have


Anonymous said...

I love the Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake prints :) rosiebud63 at hotmail dot com

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I love the Cupcakes vintage bakery inspired Menu board ! So cute!

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I followed this blog with google friend connect

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I liked paper cakes on facebook

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I followed paper cakes on twitter

Mermaids of the Lake said...

I love Jenny's "Art Journal Inspired Chocolate Cake." Just adorable!

~Mermaid Shelley

Roni said...

I love the "Cupcakes vintage bakery inspired Menu board sign black pink kitchen art"

roniros (at)

leah said...

I love the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake- pink 8x10 print

leah said...

i also follow you on FBC


Roni said...

twitter follower (BeadsByRoni)
roniros (at)

leah said...

i 'like' paper cupcakes on fb

Anonymous said...

I love the Art print Necklace retro Pink Hair doll Aqua bow pendant chain

Thanks for the chance!

abstufftobuy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following with GFC

abstufftobuy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the cupcake pendent
hope this is international
great giveaway
diarygirl at live dot com

Anonymous said...

follow paper cakes on twitter - shahaaa
diarygirl at live dot com

Anonymous said...

like papercakes on fb - shaha ahmed
diarygirl at live dot com

Anonymous said...

So cute!! I love

landofpoppies at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC follower.

landofpoppies at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

twitter follower too (@2lovemarie)

Glo said...

I like:


Glo said...



Glo said...

Blog post:


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the Vintage Bakery inspired CAKES Menu board 11x14 canvas Art print!!!

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Followed Jenny on Flickr, name: alvind95

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Followed this blog on GFC

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

FOllowed papercakes on twitter, @alvind95

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Shared on twitter!/alvind95/status/24117187669135360

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

LIKED papercakes on facebook

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Dovile said...

My favorite:

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Dovile said...

GFC follower of your blog

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

puffpastryshop said...

Wow, what a cute little shop! I looove the Vintage Bakery inspired CAKES Menu board

puffpastryshop said...

I added Jenny on Flickr. What a beautiful photo stream!

puffpastryshop said...

I Liked Paper Cakes on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

One of my faves is the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake mini plaque in black

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter (@kdcperez07)

Anonymous said...

I like PaperCakes on Facebook (Kathie Perez)

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/kdcperez07/status/24127629145669632

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC

Jenny said...

My favorite is the pink 8x10 keep calm and have a cupcake plaque!

Emily R. said...

The Art print Necklace retro Pink Hair doll Aqua bow pendant chain

Is so cute!

Emily R. said...

I follow you via GFC

Emily R. said...

I "Like" paper cakes on FB

JaideyBug said...

BUNNY Pink hair girl doll ooak Original Folk Art painting CAKE polka dots

That's my favorite painting from the etsy shop :)
thanks for the giveaway.
jacy468 at aim dot com

JaideyBug said...

I follow your blog!
jacy468 at aim dot com

JaideyBug said...

I "like" papercakes on facebook too!

Giorgia Rossini said...

thanks for this chance!
my favourit item is "Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake mini plaque PINK"
ciao dall'Italia

Giorgia Rossini said...

I follow on Facebook (giorgia rossini)

Giorgia Rossini said...

I follow with google friend connect

Rachel said...

I think the stationery set is my favorite. Fingers crossed that I win. Thanks for hosting!

Michelle Frame said...

I love the Doll girl original Folk Art OOAK painting CAKE floral aqua sweater

Michelle Frame said...

GFC blog follower

Michelle Frame said...

Follow Papercakes on Twitter

Michelle Frame said...

I like Paper Cakes on FB

Sunflower Skies said...

I love all the vintage cake menus! How sweet (literally).

Sunflower Skies said...

I follow via GFC.

Liza767 said...

Art Print Necklace PINK Cupcake pendant chain cherry jumbo round


very married said...


i really like this:

Liza767 said...

Hooray! holiday_jenny is your first contact!

manda said...

I love the Valentine cupcakes Art print canvas. So sweet!

Darcy said...

I love the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake mini plaque PINK!

darcylee99 at yahoo dot com

Darcy said...

I follow on twitter - smartbottomkids

darcylee99 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Now following all the way and banner is set on my blog too.
Also tweeted!

Kyrhy said...

Hi, my favourite is

Kyrhy said...

I talk to this giveaway on my blog,

Kyrhy said...

I am a follower of this blog with google frined connect

Kyrhy said...

I like paper cakes finds with facebbok, my profile is Kyrhy Langella

Athina said...

What a great shop!
My favorite is Folk Art DOLL piano RECITAL print hanging plaque sign cupcakes bird cage. Magical :)

is_tavrit (AT)

Angie said...

I love Cupcake print pendant necklace!!

rennieangie at gmail dot com

Amber said...

My favorite is the ooak Original Folk Art painting Girl doll Cake polka dots pink
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow @PaperCakes on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like Paper*Cakes on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I tweeted about this giveaway:
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Brooke said...

This is my favorite item:

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i like the Folk Art DOLL piano RECITAL print hanging plaque sign cupcakes bird cage

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i like them on fb

lauren51990 at aol dot com

dweed said...

Love the "Keep calm and have a cupcake" pink plaque. Also the vintage desserts menu... it's all just so cute!

dweed said...

I liked Paper*Cakes on FB.

Chani said...

I love, so cute!

Chani said...

I follow you on Twitter (janichani)

Unknown said...

I like the Art print Vintage Bakery inspired MENU board kitchen sign Cakes

Unknown said...

I follow with GFC

PringlesPalo said...

i love the Keep Calm and Have A Cupcake boxed notes stationery, the one featured in your giveaway! aside from which, the cupcake products are sooo cute :) love also the Cupcakes Art print 5x7 matted print vintage inspired kitchen bakery decor.

PringlesPalo said...

i follow papercakesfinds via gfc :)

kiddomerriweather said...

I love the OOAK Original Folk Art painting Girl Doll Raven leopard print blue cardigan.

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I follow Jenny on flickr (kiddo47).

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I follow you on Twitter @kiddo47.

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I like you on FB (Suzanne Gregg).

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love Folk Art PINK CAKE print hanging plaque sign patchwork collage aqua!!! Thank you for the chance!


Anonymous said...

I love the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake print in all colors!

Camila F.

Unknown said...

I subscribed to Jenny photostream on flickr!


Unknown said...

Tweeted (@oksana2372)!/oksana2372/status/24805138057134081


Natalie S. said...

I love Custom Order for marybert.

Simone said...

I Love all the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake prints.

simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com

Simone said...

I follow on twitter as simonka_t

simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com

Simone said...

My tweet:!/simonka_t/status/24931419310522368

simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com

AmbreRose said...

I think the keep calm print in the aqua. That would look great in my sisters kitchen :) ambrerose at(aol) dot(com)

Cupcake Forum said...

I love the Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake print fits 8x10 AQUA.

Princess Cupcake at cupcake (hyphen) forum dotcom

Heidi said...

How fun! I've followed Jenny & Aaron for years. I have a few of their creations and am always cheered when I look at them!
Hugs, Heidi

Heidi said...

I follow Jenny on Flickr!
~Heidi (EverydayCookies on Flickr)

Heidi said...

Oh, and I put your blog button on the sidebar on my blog~
~Heidi (Everyday-Cookies)

Heidi said...

And...from their shop....
I just love the Valentine's theme cupcake art print! (I have something from them for Christmas and Easter...need more for all the holidays!)

Thanks for the chance to win!
~Heidi (Everyday-Cookies)

Patrícia André said...


I love this item:

tichafipa at gmail dot com

Patrícia André said...

Follow this blog on GFC

Patrícia André said...

Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook

Candi said...

I love this one in aqua..

and I like this

WCA Yash Travel said...

i like the FLOSSIE print NECKLACE retro PINK HAIR doll Aqua BOW
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

WCA Yash Travel said...

gfc follower
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

WCA Yash Travel said...

@gustosagiveaway twitter follower
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

WCA Yash Travel said...

gustosa giveaways fb follower
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

WCA Yash Travel said...

gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

WCA Yash Travel said...

blog post
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

Yuri said...

my fave item is the FLOSSIE print NECKLACE retro PINK HAIR doll Aqua BOW.

yuri.kristi at

Yuri said...

i follow ur blog via gfc

yuri.kristi at

Yuri said...

i follow u on twitter

yuri.kristi at

Yuri said...

i hve ur button in my sidebar:

yuri.kristi at

danit said...

My fave item is "OOAK Folk Art PAINTING Vintage girl RAVEN doll collage"

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

My favorite is Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake print fits 8x10 PINK
msbubu26 (at) gmail (dot) com

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I blogged about the giveaway:

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I follow on GFC: MsBubu

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I follow PaperCakes on Twitter: MsBubu26

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I have your button on the sidebar:

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