Hey there!
My name is Nikki, 24 years old and born and raised in the Netherlands.
I’m currently living in Gorinchem with my boyfriend, kitties and a little birdy.
You may also know me as ‘Liefgeval’, this is Dutch for ‘Sweet thing’.
People call me this because, well, I guess I’m kinda sweet, and that shows in everything I create.
I love making sweet jewellery and every now and than I crawl behind my sewing machine with vintage or flowery fabrics. Other things I love are singing, blogging, thrift shopping, interior design and digital scrapping :)! I’m currently working on setting up ‘Liefgeval’ as a business, but I still have a lot to learn!
1. What inspires you to come up with new designs?
Everything around me! I’m a big sponge and absorb everything, ideas are racing through my head and if I don’t write them down many get lost and replaced by new silly ideas.

2. How long have you been creating?
I guess I’ve always been this dreamy girl in the back of the classroom with an eye for pretty. But I started exploring my creativity seriously when I went to an interior design school about 6 years ago. Being forced to think creative awoke my passion for being a crafty girl.

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?
I’m so happy to say, YES, I have a craftroom! Working in the house with my kitties stealing my work was no fun, so I transformed my ugly basement into a pink and girly workspace. It still has some flaws, being a basement and all, but it’ll do for now :)!

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business:
It’s mostly about me being able to do what I like and living a happy life. It’s also a way to express myself and with everything I create I feel like getting to know myself better. And spreading sweetness around the world, things that make people smile. It would be fun too if I could support myself of it one day ;).

5. What is your favourite album?
This is most definitely ‘Le Pop’ from Katzenjammer. It’s happy, cheerful and full of energy!

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living life to the fullest with my love and hopefully children in a sweet cottage-like house with lots of animals. I honestly have no clue where Liefgeval is gonna go, so I guess I’ll let myself surprise me in 5 years :).

7. What is your favourite thing to do on a weekend?
Being with family or friends! My family is living spreaded throughout the Netherlands and I just can’t see them enough. My friends all live these busy lives, so in the weekend we finally have time to hang out.

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn:
Crafty-related I would love to learn how to crochet! And when I do I can’t wait to try my new skill on Amigurumi. Another skill I would love to possess is being more assertive and confident.

Look what you can win!

To Enter;
Visit Liefgeval and pick your fave item, and leave it in a comment.
To qualify for additional entries you can..
2. Like Liefgeval on Facebook
3. Follow Nikki's blog on GFC
4. Blog about this giveaway
5. Follow this blog on GFC
6. Follow Papercakes on Twitter
7. Put my button in your sidebar
8. Tweet this giveaway
9. Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook

1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»I like Paper*Cakes
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Greatings from Poland
Mine is definitely the "Gnome Pocket Mirror"... wow I want it!
Hee hee
I have followed the Liefgeval blog and followed Papercakes on Twitter! :)
Mozzypop x
I like the kawaii deer hair pins :)
I LOVE the birdhouse earrings!
I follow Nikki's blog and I follow papercakes too!
Awesome giveaway girls!
Cheers, Ella
I like the Pretty golden deer ring
most. It's charming! :)
isztarv at o2 dot pl
I follow this blog!
isztarv at o2 dot pl
And I follow Nikki's blog on GFC.
isztarv at o2 dot pl
i like the bunny fabric ring .
tumblemumbo at gmail.com
already follow nikki's blog .
fb fan / ana amanti
liked papercales already / ana amanti
following your blog with gfc already
tumblemumbo at gmail.com
added your blog button on my sidebar
, hope i did it correctly since i am still new at this
i love reading interviews about my favorite bloggers. it's always interesting to learn about what inspires them to create. great interview!
I LOVE her shop! My favorite item is the Adorable gold Deer earrings with turquoise bows.
I follow you on GFC.
I follow Nikki's Blog on GFC
I love the hedgehog ring.
I just tweeted this too :)
Kawaii Kokeshi girl necklace yellow
like liefgeval and paper*cakes on fb!
what a super cute and fun shop! love the Gold Floral ditsy Ring small vintage flowers roses!!
yup, i follow you on twitter!!
and i tweeted!!!
i like the Sweet birdhouse earrings bronze
seashell210 at gmail dot com
I love the Kawaii Kokeshi doll in blue; I have a real thing for all kokeshi dolls.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
following papercakes on twitter as jhitomi
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
following papercakes on gfc as jhb.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I like everything on facebook...and I love the pretty alice earrings. Hope I win, and hope your new year is going well.
Best wishes
Hi, such lovely interview!! So nice to read all those lovely things about you :)
I love this adorable tea time earrings with purple bow kitsch. auch a lovely shop!
I love the Yummy cupcake pocketmirror
So cute!
roniros (at) gmail.com
liked you on FB (Roni R.)
roniros (at) gmail.com
Following Nikki's blog on GFC
roniros (at) gmail.com
Following Papercakes on Twitter (BeadsByRoni)
roniros (at) gmail.com
I love the Cute Unicorn pony rainbow ring
hope this is international
great giveaway
diarygirl at live dot com
Follow lifegeval on fb - shaha ahmed
diarygirl at live dot com
follow nikki's blog on GFC
diarygirl at live dot com
follow paper cakes on twitter - shahaaa
diarygirl at live dot com
follow paper cakes on facebook - shaha ahmed
diarygirl at live dot com
Love the Teatime earrings!! Adorable!
danaan at gmx dot at
Love the Alice in Wonderland scrabble tile necklace
Thanks !
nitika.nagpal.1 at gmail dot com
all cute finds! my fave: Sweet yummy whipped cream ear studs
i now follow nikki's verrrry cute blog!
The only thing on your site that I love more than this gorgeous ring are the cuckoo clock earrings! They're so delicate and breathtaking! It's hard to believe that you hand-crafted them!
i like the Gold Floral ditsy Ring small vintage flowers roses
sswpss at yahoo dot com
I love Kawaii Kokeshi girl necklace white!!! Cutie!!!
Thank you for the chance!
I Like Liefgeval on Facebook!
(oksana vladimirovna)
Following Nikki's blog on GFC!
Following your blog!
I tweeted:
I am already Fan of Paper*Cakes on Facebook! (oksana vladimirovna)
My fav item is: "Sweet shiny pink heart studs". Thank you :)
louise_gillies at hotmail dot com
I love the Lovey Dovey romantic earrings!
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I liked Papercakes on Facebook!
I liked Liefgeval on Facebook!
I love the Cute Unicorn pony rainbow ring :D
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk
I like liefgeval on facebook :)
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk
I follow liefgeval via GFC :D
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk
I now follow papercakes on twitter :)
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk
I like papercakes on facebook :3
ceeyracatastrophe at hotmail dot co dot uk
This is my favourite! Such a cute and adorbale headband!!!
I am also a follower of your blog via gfc public. (:
I also follow http://www.liefgeval.blogspot.com/ (:
Oh gosh what a gorgeous ring!! I'm a big fan of all things deer related, I love some of the pictures you both picked for the interview!!!
I just adore the Sweet vintage deer image necklace woodland from the shop!!!
I really like the hedgehog fabric ring! Its sooo cute :)
perrijewell (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the adorable tea time earrings with purple bow kitsch.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Like Liefgeval on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001444401394
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogspot.com/2011/01/ring-giveaway.html
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/sweepstakelover/status/23002707421827072
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001444401394
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
my fave is the Cute golden crown earrings with pink bow.
yuri.kristi at gmail.com
i'm your twitter follower (@2thousandthings)
yuri.kristi at gmail.com
i hve your button on my scrolling sidebar: http://tigerlilysbook.blogspot.com
yuri.kristi at gmail.com
i follow through GFC
yuri.kristi at gmail.com
I love the Amazingly cute (TRUE!) yo yo headband with donkey button
abstufftobuy at gmail dot com
Following your blog
abstufftobuy at gmail dot com
Following Nikki's blog
abstufftobuy at gmail dot com
I think these earring are really cute. :)
I'm following your blog with GFC!
I LOVE this ring!!! So cute:) From the shop, I also love http://en.dawanda.com/product/13206590-Gold-Floral-ditsy-Ring-small-vintage-flowers-roses
I follow this blog via GFC.
landofpoppies at gmail dot com
and now I follow liefgevals blog too:)
landofpoppies at gmail dot com
and I follow Papercakes on Twitter
I love the deer earrings with turquoise bows. They make me wish I could wear earrings.
my fave item would be Cute floral bunny pocketmirror :)
crazy.diamond18 at gmail dot com
i like paper cakes on fb.
i follow paper cakes on twitter (filmofilka).
i like Liefgeval on fb.
I love the woodland bunny and squirrel pouch!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
My favorite item is the cute little gnomy pocket mirror!
Everything is way too cute, but I especially love the kawaii yellow deer ring!
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
following Nikki's blog via GFC
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
following papercakes on twitter @mrsclutterbuck
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
I like the Pretty Alice in Wonderland earrings - adorable!
1. I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEE these earrings: :x:x:x:x:x:x:x
2. ok
3. ok
4. - (I shared the giveaway on my fb account: Mihaela Toana)
5. ok
6. ok
7. -
8. ok
9. ok
E-mail: miha_loves_zaf [@] yahoo.com
Cute shop! I like the Coo Coo Clock Earrings :)
cyclona66 at aol dot com
Woah Ladies! Obviously I'm not participating in my own giveaway ;), but I just wanted to say I read all of your lovely comments and thank you all for joining my blog or facebook page etc. Love you guys xo!
I like the blue Kawaii Kokeshi necklace ! kimbarsness at yahoo dot com
MarilynSmith687@hotmail.com I LOVE all your items! Such cute items!
MarilynSmith687@hotmail.com I LIKED you on Facebook.
Visited Liefgeval. My favorite items are the Sweet pink diamant and white rose hair slides!
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Like Liefgeval on Facebook (Mickey Coutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Follow Nikki's blog on GFC (Mickey Coutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Follow Papercakes on Twitter (mickeycoutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook (Mickey Coutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Follow this blog on GFC (Mickey Coutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
This ring is what I love!! :)
added liefgeval on fb! :)
follow pc on gfc!
follow pc on twitter!
follow liefgeval blog on GFC!
In love with the shabby pink rose ring!
wendyrgould at yahoo
So many great things - I love this http://en.dawanda.com/product/13206274-Cute-little-gnomy-pocketmirror - I have a things for gnomes.
Following papercakes on Twitter
My favorite is the Kawaii kitschy bow strawberry pink ring.
I like papercakes on fb, (Nicoline G)
Love this site and there are so many cute things to choose from! I like this especially: Sweet Cherry fabric necklace blue
I love the Cute Unicorn pony rainbow ring :)
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC as JennE
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
oo! great giveaway! love this:
my fave item is this: http://en.dawanda.com/product/13204002-Adorable-gold-Deer-earrings-with-turquoise-bows
My fave item is Adorable gold Deer earrings with turquoise bows.
I follow your blog via GFC as xlacrimax
I love the Cute Hedgehog fabric ring!
Lilyhoot at gmail dot com
My fav item is Kawaii Kokeshi necklace blue.
Ana Belén R.M
I Like Liefgeval on Facebook (Ana Belén R M)
Ana Belén R.M
Following via google, as fisiwoman
Ana Belén R.M
Following Papercakes on Twitter (@fisiwoman)
Ana Belén R.M
I Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook (Ana Belén R M)
Ana Belén R.M
Ana Belén R.M
I love gnomes. And hanging with my gnomies. So this is my fav.
Just liked Liefgeval on FB.
I follow Nikki's blog on GFC.
Just blogged about it:
And I'm already following this blog on GFC.
And I already follow Papercakes on Twitter (@spinningmenorah).
I already have liked Papercakes on FB.
AND I just tweeted this giveaway:
I love the fabric cherry necklace!
I've also liked liefgeval on facebook~
I've also liked papercakes on facebook ~
Oh! I also follow this blog~
I love the Cute silver squirrel bow earrings (http://en.dawanda.com/product/13005046-Cute-silver-squirrel-bow-earrings).
amysweeps at gmail dot com
Adorable gold Deer earrings with turquoise bows is my favorite!
is_tavrit (AT) hotmail.com
Hi! I love the Vintage Deer necklace. When I saw it I thought of the movie "Bambi" that I watched as a child. Thank you for a beautiful giveaway! :)
awww everything is amazing.my fav is the sweet cupcake pocketmirror though.
I love the cute pink woodland bunny squirrel pouch wallet!
I love everything cupcakes, so I LOVE the cupcake pocket mirror! So adorbes!!!
I love the Cute Unicorn pony rainbow ring!!!! Sooooooo cute!
I follow via GFC
I really like the Cute floral bunny pocketmirror. So sweet!
Camila F.
I also adore the Yummy cupcake pocketmirror! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I like: Adorable gold Deer earrings with turquoise bows
mihaela.mihordea(@) gmail(.) com
5.GFC: miha.ela
mihaela.mihordea(@) gmail(.) com
I love everything, but i am in love with the Cute Unicorn pony rainbow ring. Cause its so funny and cute ^^
I adore the Sweet birdhouse earrings.
simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com
I follow on twitter as simonka_t
simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com
My tweet:
simonka_t [at] hotmail [dot] com
Love these! http://en.dawanda.com/product/13100758-Cute-little-matryoshka-ladies-russian-dolls
wright.173 at wright.edu
I follow you via GFC
wright.173 at wright.edu
Gosh, lot of things i adore, but this one is the faviest http://en.dawanda.com/product/13237914-Sweet-Cherry-fabric-necklace-blue-organza
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Hi, I already fan of Liefgeval in FB name doki doki co :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I twit here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/25161264393097216
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
This is my fave:
i love this
lovey dovey romantic earrings are my fave!
All of the things in Liefgeval's shop are adorable!! I really love the Cute Coo Coo Clock Earrings (and the alliteration :D). Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, I'd love to win the gorgeous ring!
nafairbank (at) gmail (dot) com
Everything in Liefgeval is gorgeous!! I really loved the Coo Coo Clock Earrings (and the alliteration :D). The ring is gorgeous, thank you for the great giveaway!
nafairbank (at) gmail (dot) com
ohh jeeeez.
These are SO ADORABLE.
I like the sweet cherry fabric necklace… but I also like the sweet little deer bow yo yo hair comb.
I am in love with hair combs right now.
Oh, and that rose ring is cute. Jeez, I can't pick just one thing!!
My favorite item is:Adorable squirrel organza scrabble tile necklace
msbubu26(at) gmail (dot) com
I like Liefgeval on FB: STephanie Gauthier Bujold
I blogged about the giveaway: http://msbubuandhergirlyness.blogspot.com/2010/09/giveaways.html
I follow Nikki<s blog: MsBubu
I follow PaperCakes blog: MsBubu
I follow Papercakes on Twitter: MsBubu26
I put the button on my sidebar: http://msbubuandhergirlyness.blogspot.com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MsBubu26/status/25529691943215104
I like Paper*Cakes on Facebook (Stephanie Gauthier Bujold)
I follow paper cakes on twitter :) @mixdspice
I follow you via GFC
I follow Nikkis blog :)
the cute hedgehog fabric ring is my favorite!
Cerena Leigh
I follow your blog via GFC.
Cerena Leigh
FB Fan (Cerena Hammond)
Cerena Leigh
Twitter follower @cerenaleigh
Cerena Leigh
My favorite item is the "Cute little gnomy pocketmirror".
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I like Liefgeval on FB as wunderfraulein.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I follow Liefgeval's blog via GFC.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Blogged: http://skittlefairy.diaryland.com/110117_97.html
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following this blog via GFC.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following via twitter as my_wunderkammer.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Put the button on the sidebar on the right: http://skittlefairy.diaryland.com/
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://tinyurl.com/6jag7dp
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I like Papercakes on Facebook as wunderfraulein.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/my_wunderkammer/status/26794404882677760
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
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