Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sponsor Love - An Interview and Giveaway from Zebras and Bubblegum!

Wendy Rose Gould is a vintage enthusiast, cat lover and avid latte consumer. Traveling and exploring the world is also imperative to her survival on this great big Earth. In addition to selling vintage, Wendy writes full time as a freelance journalist for media outlets like AOL Shopping, Real Beauty, and Glamour Magazine.

1. What do you look for when stocking your shop with vintage items?

I think my vintage taste is a reflection of my personality -- eclectic, colorful, happy and diverse. I never limit myself to a certain type of item or theme. Where's the fun in limitations? You'll find my shop is full of everything from industrial charmers to whimsical trinkets to utilitarian items full of vintage flair.

2. How long have you been collecting vintage?

I honestly can't even remember! Vintage has been a part of my life since I was very young and probably stems from all the garage sales my mother and grandmother took me to. I was always drawn to items that looked old because. It fascinated me to know that one thing carried so much history!

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?

My Etsy shop is a part-time thing that contributes to probably a quarter of all my work. Here's a secret: I put all my vintage items for sale on display in my house and, as I sell things, rotate them out with new inventory! It keeps my home looking fabulous and fresh and also makes me happy knowing all my vintage goodies are gettin' maximum amounts of love and adoration!

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business

I began selling vintage at Etsy toward the end of 2009 and so far, business has been consistent. In fact, it makes up about 1/4 of my total work. My goal for 2010 is to increase my inventory and up my purchases so that they contribute to 1/2 of my total work.

5. What is your favorite album?

Right now I'm totally digging Helen Austin's album "Perfect Girl." Listening to it makes me want to sip tea, head to a carnival and kiss my husband all at once! :P

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself still collecting vintage and living life to the fullest!

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?

When I'm in the mood to go out, I love hanging out at a park with a picnic basket and my husband. I'm also a total foodie and love trying new restaurants! When I'm in the mood to stay in, I love listening to great music, reading books, catching up on my favorite TV shows or planning/dreaming about future travels!

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn

I'd love to be able to make my own soap from scratch. I love lathering up with chunky organic bars of dreamy-smelling soap and to make my own would be 100% sweeter!


Look what you can win!

To Enter;

Visit Zebras and Bubblegum and pick your fave item, and leave it in a comment.

To qualify for additional entries you can..

2. Like Zebras and Bubblegum on Facebook
3. Follow Wendy's blog on GFC
4. Blog about this giveaway
5. Follow this blog on GFC
6. Follow Papercakes on Twitter
7. Put my button in your sidebar
8. Tweet this giveaway
9. Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook

closes Jan 17th 2011


Jingle said...

I love the Fabulous 50s Beaded, Sequined Evening Purse!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Jingle said...

I like Zebras and Bubblegum on Facebook!

Jingle said...

I follow this blog on GFC!

Jingle said...

I follow Papercakes on Twitter! @JustJingle

Jingle said...

I like Paper*Cakes on Facebook.

eclairre said...

I like the Fabulous Vintage Pyrex Mixing Bowl in Avocado Green -- 2.5 Quart.

eclairre said...

I follow on GFC.

Jenny said...

My favortie item is the cottage chic strawberry pie dish with built in recipe!

Helen Austin said...

What a beautiful website. I love it!

I just wanted to thank you for mentioning my 'Perfect Girl' album. I am so glad you like it!!!

Emerald Owl said...

Haha I love the mirror behind the purse... The purse too, but the mirror more :)

Also the metal fan - great options with that one!

Anonymous said...

My favourite item is the Set of 5 vintage Bingo Cards on Heavy Stock

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

LIKED Zebras and Bubblegums on facebook

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Followed wendy's blog via GFC

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Im already a follower of this blog

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Followed papercakes on twitter, @alvind95

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Shared on twitter

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

LIKED paper cakes on facebook

( alvin _ darmawan at hotmail dot com )

va said...

i like the colander .

tumblemumbo at

va said...

liked zebra on fb /ana amanti

tumblemumbo at

va said...

following wendy city's blog

tumblemumbo at

va said...

following this blog w/gfc
tumblemumbo at

va said...

already fb fan of papercakes / ana amanti

tumblemumbo at

va said...

already have button on my blog
tumblemumbo at

Birgit said...

I really love this clutch !
danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

Following your blog on GFC !
danaan at gmx dot at

TopHat said...

I love the Strawberry pie dish! So cute!

hrfarley at gmail dot com

BEadECLECTIC said...

I love the Sears and Roebucks fan!

bead.eclectic at gmail dot com

Glo said...

I like:


Glo said...

Blog post:


Sunflower Skies said...

Oh, my favorite is the strawberry colander! So cute :)

Sunflower Skies said...

I follow via gfc

P said...

I like the pink tea cups :)

perrijewell (at) yahoo (dot) com

P said...

I follow on twitter @mixdspice

perrijewell (at) yahoo (dot) com

Marija said...

My favorite is the 80s rainbow mug. So fun!

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija said...

following you via GFC

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija said...

following Wendy's blog via GFC

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

P said...

I tweeted :) @mixdspice!/mixdspice/status/23541679776600065

Barb said...

I need that Vintage Oscar de la Renta Tie!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Barb said...

I've liked Wendy of FB!

Kasie said...

I love the Vintage set of 4 Pink, Speckled Ceramic Tea Cups!

liz said...

Gosh, lot of things i adore, but this one is the faviest

Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)


liz said...

I twit here!/dokidokico/status/23611382893125632

Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)


Athina said...

Strawberry-Clad, Footed Enamelware Colander is my favorite! Cute shop, love it : )

is_tavrit (AT)

five stones vintage said...

Hi! My favorite item is:

five stones vintage said...

I liked Zebras & Bubblegum's Rescued Vintage on Facebook. :)

five stones vintage said...

I follow Wendys City blog.

five stones vintage said...

I follow your blog.

five stones vintage said...

I twitter follow as @missyfivestones

five stones vintage said...

I fanned Papercakes on facebook!

PringlesPalo said...

another fave item: 1950s Creamy Yellow Plastic Cookie Container
love the color!

PringlesPalo said...

i follow papercakesfinds via gfc: PringlesPalo

PringlesPalo said...

i'm now following hellowendycity via gfc

Vanessa said...

Fabulous Vintage Pyrex Mixing Bowl is realy really gorgeous and cuteeee!! <3

Lee said...

I love the retro blue kitty cups

janil said...

I love Rare Sears Roebuck K, All Metal Fan WORKS!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Phe said...

The pink teacups are adorable!

Anonymous said...

The gorgeous black vintage purse is amazing.

J. Deutsch

Anonymous said...

I've liked Zebras and Bubblegum on FB.


Anonymous said...

I've followed Wendy's blog on GFC.


Anonymous said...

I've also blogged about the giveaway:


Anonymous said...

Also am following you on Twitter:



Anonymous said...

And it just so happens that I've already liked you on Facebook!


Anonymous said...

And I just now tweeted the giveaway on my Twitter (sorry, I don't know how to link to the exact Tweet!).


sunset studies said...

My fav item is: "Vintage, Strawberry Adorned Sugar, Creamer and Napkin Holder Set from JapanFrom ZebrasAndBubblegum"

louise_gillies AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

My fave item is the Stunning Vintage Glass Candy Dish on Pedestal.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Zebras and Bubblegum FB fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Papercakes twitter follower @rararomp.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Paper*Cakes FB fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

rararomp at gmail dot com

leah said...

My fav is the Sears Roebuck metal fan. Hard to choose tho...

avatarlady said...

Hello. I want to join!

I like the Gorgeous Vintage Black Beaded Purse. I fell in love with the color Blue that's near my birthstone Sapphire. Love it.

lifeis.oceanbliss at gmail dot com

avatarlady said...

Like this Gorgeous Vintage Black Beaded Purse because it's my fave color blue! Anything that resembles closely to my birthstone Sapphire will always be an instant fave.

lifeis.oceanbliss at gmail dot com

peapod said...

My favourite is the chipped apple cookie jar :)
petra.redmond at virgin dot net

peapod said...

I'm following your blog on GFC :)

peapod said...

I like paper*cakes on Facebook

peapod said...

Following paper cakes on Twitter

puffpastryshop said...

I love the "Vintage, Strawberry Adorned Sugar, Creamer and Napkin Holder Set from Japan."

puffpastryshop said...

I like Paper Cakes on Facebook

bison61 said...

I picked the instant Collection of Vintage Pocket Scales

tiramisu392 (at)

Junk Loving Girl said...

I adore the vintage mouse/ cheese planter!


Junk Loving Girl said...

I follow this blog.


Darcy said...

I LOVE that metal fan! LOVE!

darcylee99 at yahoo dot com

Darcy said...

I follow papercakes on twitter - smartbottomkids

manda said...

The Vintage Mouse/Cheese Flower Planter is so cute, but who can go past those gorgeous Pair of Retro Kitty Cat Mugs!!! Soooooooooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the red and blue chippy collection.

sandyandcosmo said...

I love the Sears Roebuck metal fan!

Unknown said...

I love Stunning Green and Cream, Fabric-Covered Ice Bucket!!!
Thank you for the chance!


Unknown said...

I Like Zebras and Bubblegum on Facebook! (oksana vladimirovna)


Unknown said...

Follow Wendy's blog on Network Blogs!

(oksana vladimirovna)


Unknown said...

Following Papercakes on Twitter!


Unknown said...

Tweeted (@oksana2372)!/oksana2372/status/24810798022926336


Unknown said...

I am already your Fan on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)


Lyudmila said...

I like the Sweet, Vintage Cast Iron Tulip Door Stop
lusizova at

Lyudmila said...

Like Zebras and Bubblegum on Facebook = Lyudmila Sizova
lusizova at

Lyudmila said...

Follow this blog via gfc=Lyudmila
lusizova at

Lyudmila said...

Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook (Lyudmila Sizova)
lusizova at

julieb said...

i love the strawberry pie dish!
sooo cute!

julieb said...

gfc follower

Natalie S. said...

Oh, i LOVE Gorgeous Vintage Black Beaded Purse!

Unknown said...

I really love this one:

Hope to win, bye!



Patrícia André said...

Cottage chic strawberry pie dish with built in recipe!

Patrícia André said...

I "like" Zebras and Bubblegum on Facebook!

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I love the retro 1980s large rainbow mug!
msbubu26 (at) gmail (dot) com

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

Like Zebra on FB: STephanie GAuthier Bujold

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

I follow Wendy: MsBubu

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

Follow PaperCakes: MsBubu

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

Follow PaperCakes on Twitter: MsBubu26

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

Put the button:

Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...


Stephanie Gauthier-Bujold said...

Like PaperCakes on FB: STephanie Gauthier Bujold

sabrina said...

I'm loving the yellow gingham padded hangers and could totally use them! (I'm panning on using a lot of yellow gingham for my wedding this August.)
And that strawberry bucket is adorable! <3

sabrina said...

I'm a blog follower.


Cerena-Leigh said...

I adore the bucket!! But I also love the pink speckled vintage cups and the 1950's radio!

Cerena Leigh

Cerena-Leigh said...

i follow you on twitter! @cerenaleigh

Cerena Leigh

Cerena-Leigh said...

I'm a fan on yours on FB! @cerenaleigh

Cerena Leigh

Anonymous said...

I love the Stunning Green and Cream, Fabric-Covered Ice Bucket
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I like the worn apple cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

Following you and I love the Chippy Red and White Enamel Pot with Lid, there is just something about vintage kitchen items I love!

lindsayfields at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Following Paper Cakes on Twitter as Lfields08

lindsayfields at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Following Wendy City Blog as Lfields

lindsayfields at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Following your blog! :D

Rebecca C said...

cottage chic strawberry pie dish with built in recipe is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the Colorful, 1970s Poppy-Covered Air Pot!

vena.nedkova at gmail dot com

Susan said...

I love the Fabulous Vintage Pyrex Mixing Bowl in Avocado Green suelee1998 @