For a 15% discount on any Paisley Baby purchase use code PBABY15 - Until March 14th!

My mother Dianne and I started Paisley Baby in 2002. Paisley Baby is a combination of my love of fabric shopping and Dianne’s 50 years of sewing experience. Together we design and create unique baby accessories and all kinds of fabric bags. Pretty fabric and quality craftsmanship make us smile. We hope they make you smile too!
We both live just outside Montreal, Quebec - Dianne on the South Shore and I live off the West Island. I have two children (a boy and a girl) and it looks like my son has inherited the interest in fabric and desire to sew! We are fortunate enough to be surrounded by friends and family who are constantly inspiring us with ideas for new products.
1. What inspires you to come up with new designs?
It is not hard to find inspiration with all the beautiful fabrics that are available. Every day I find new prints from my favourite designers and also from new designers that I find hard to resist. Sometimes a customer will ask for a specific design and we just don't have any fabric that will make it work. Then I'll see a certain fabric and it will all come together.

2. How long have you been creating?
I've been creating for Paisley Baby, with my mother Dianne, since 2003. However I've been doing some kind of needle and textile craft (embroidery, needlepoint, sewing, knitting) since I was 8 years old. My mother has been sewing for over 50 years.

3. Where do you do your work? Do you have a dedicated area of your home, or?
I am fortunate enough to have my my own office/studio attached to my bedroom. It has a large bay window with a view of our backyard and swimming pool.

4. Tell us about a goal you have for your business.
In the next few months I want to develop a proper media kit and wholesale line sheet for Paisley Baby. I also need to find a live cute model for our hooded towels and a live model for our capri pj pants.

5. What is your favorite album?
This is a tough one! I'll go for something Canadian, I'm dating myself, how about Five Days in July by Blue Rodeo or Sarah McLachlan Surfacing.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Another really hard question. My children will both be teenagers by then so I am sure my life will be very different. I hope everything works out so that I can be doing some kind of creative work that will also allow me to be involved in what is going on with my kids.

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?
In the winter my daughter usually has hockey games on the weekend and I do enjoy watching those. In the summer I am always hopeful there will be a couple of hours where there are no household projects to be completed and we can all relax around the pool together.

8. Tell us about a new skill you'd like to learn.
I want to learn how to play guitar.

Maria is giving away a small wet back of of your choosing!

To Enter;
Visit Paisleybaby and pick your fave item, and leave it in a comment.
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2. Like Paisley Baby On Facebook
3. Blog about this giveaway or the blog party
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6. Put my button in your sidebar
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8. Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook
9. Share this giveaway in your FB status
10. Follow Paisleybaby on tumblr
11. Purchase from Paisley Baby - 5 entries - leave 5 comments
Closes March 14th

Fantastic interview from an awesome lady.
I own both Paisley Baby capris and a Paislet Baby business card holder and they are both beautiful to look at and beautifully constructed. They capris are so comfortable. I lived in them last summer.
I like the Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Blue 2D Zoo. This is such a smart idea!
My favorite item is the Hooded Towel in Splash Blue Dream Dot...very cute!
Thanks for the chance
I'm a liker on FB,
thanks again!!!!
I have purchased several items from paisleybaby in the past from a bib, to wet bags and cosemetic bags. All are very well made and the fabrics are awesome! Great interview!
I extremely heart "Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Black and White Polka Dots"
Oh my god!!
I'm such a polka-dot addict @@
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My favorite is the terry baby bib in I think I can!
I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect!
I love the Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Juicy Jungle
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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ID: @szogediek
szogediek at yahoo dot com
Wow - so much great stuff and beautiful fabric!! The Overnighter Cosmetic Zipper Pouch in Earth Peace Signs is awesome!
Large Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @ gmail . com
I love the Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Chocolate Brown 2D Zoo!
vena.nedkova at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via gfc!
vena.nedkova at gmail dot com
Hi! It’s hard to choose just one, but my favourite item from Paisleybaby is Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Juicy Jungle, it’s just perfect for my little son, he loves animals and bright colours!
martaplayita at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via GFC
martaplayita at gmail dot com
I like the turquoise polka dot cosmetic pouch. Such a cute shop!
I follow via GFC!
I love the Juicy Jungle wet bag!
I love the wet bags and the cosmetic bags.
I follow papercakes
I love these lounge pants: http://www.etsy.com/listing/68741147/capri-lounge-pant-s-small-in-pink-mango
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the whale print hooded towels
I follow on GFC.
i like Small Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com
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I love the Small Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather! And the Hooded Towel in Alphonse and Mona is so cute!
I like Paisley Baby on FB.
Trena C.
GFC follower.
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Trena C.
I like the wet bag in splash blue dream.
aimeeeldon at hotmail dot com
I love the Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Green Hooty Hoot Kangaroo.
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
I'm a GFC follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
I follow you both on Twitter - amccrenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
I pick this http://www.etsy.com/listing/58202094/slim-cosmetic-pencil-zipper-pouch-in
cuz I like the guitar prints.
lifeis.oceanbliss at gmail dot com
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lifeis.oceanbliss at gmail dot com
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i really like the zipper wet bag there was a really pretty pink one
Like Paisley Baby On Facebook
gotta love the small wet bag in dig it! So cute for the little girl i am an au pair for...she LOVES cars, trucks and all types of automobiles :)
My fav item is Daytripper Zipper Pouch in Black and White Polka Dots
Email : hindandhare (at) hotmail (dot) fr
My favorite item : flat pencil cosmetic pouch in sky blue owl hoots
I'm a follower ( Wolf )
I really love "Daytripper Cosmetic Zipper Pouch in Sea Glass Green Homer"!
I like Like Paisley Baby On Facebook (name: Frida Khalo)!
On my blog: http://onlyblogcandy.blogspot.com/2011/03/httppapercakesfindsblogspotcom-14-march.html
I put your button in my sidebar: http://onlyblogcandy.blogspot.com/
I Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook (name: Frida Khalo)!
Ah! I follow you!
I love Daytripper Cosmetic Zipper Pouch in Pink Green Church Flowers
email maison-òhotmail.it
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name Caterina Luci
email maison-@hotmail.it
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nickname catymariposina
email maison-@hotmail.it
. Follow PaisleyBaby and Papercakes on Twitter
nickname mariposinacate
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email maison-@hotmail.it
I love this: Hooded Towel in Sky Blue Owl Hoots featured on Parents.com Thanks for the great giveaway! Jeanette at splendidthings.etsy.com
I love the Blue Lindy Leaf wetbag! So pretty!
I'm a GFC follower!
I really love the Large Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather!
darcylee99 at yahoo dot com
I follow paisley on twitter - smartbottomkids
Absolutely love love love this http://www.etsy.com/listing/66137630/daytripper-cosmetic-zipper-pouch-in-pink
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Hi, I already fan of Paisley Baby in FB name doki doki co :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I follow you both on twitter bird name dokidokico :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I spread words about giveaway in twitter here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/45498977323454464
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Love the shoe lingerie bag in turquoise birds of a feather.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I love the brown java jungle jam
a_heart4home at yahoo
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a_heart4home at yahoo
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a_heart4home at yahoo
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blog button under reviews and giveaways
a_heart4home at yahoo
I like the sipper snap handle wet bag in blue green vintage bittersweet. It's really cute.
I like the mini polka dot baby bib
I follow via gfc
My very favorite thing is the Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Pink Green Pachyderm Parade. My second favorite is anything in a Laurie Wisbrun fabric.
Thanks for the giveaway!
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I like the Large Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather.
jswandrn at gmail
My fav is the Changing Pad in Blue Blast Off.
skklemm at gmail dot com
Like Paisley Baby On Facebook. Stephanie Klemm.
skklemm at gmail dot com
Follow PaisleyBaby and Papercakes on Twitter. @momtoemmett
skklemm at gmail dot com
Like Paper*Cakes on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm.
skklemm at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Sky Blue Owl small wet back
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
Fave item: Large Wet Bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather
kmogilevski at gmail dot com
Like Paisley on Facebook (all natural katie)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com
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kmogilevski at gmail dot com
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kmogilevski at gmail dot com
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kmogilevski at gmail dot com
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kmogilevski at gmail dot com
Follow on Tumbler (all natural katie)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com
i love the Overnighter Cosmetic Zipper Pouch in White Marshmallow Owl Hoots!!!!
so cute!!!!
i like paisley baby on facebook!
i follow via GFC!
i like paper*cakes on facebook!
sooo hard to choose a fave... I think I'd have to go with Zipper Snap Handle Wet Bag in Blue 2D Zoo.
dakotaring at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the Large Wet Bag in Juicy Jungle.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I like Paisley Baby on FB as Andreia Sousa.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Blogged: http://skittlefairy.diaryland.com/110313_9.html
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I follow you via GFC.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following you both on twitter as my_wunderkammer.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/my_wunderkammer/status/47042265763418112
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I like you on FB as Andreia Sousa.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Shared on FB: http://www.facebook.com/wunderfraulein/posts/110236035721728
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
Following on tumblr as cosmopoliteratura.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I love the small wet bag in Splash Blue Dream Dot! So cute!
mariahm22 at gmail dot com
I like Paisley Baby on FB! (Formula Mom)
mariahm22 at gmail dot com
New GFC follower!
mariahm22 at gmail dot com
Following PaisleyBaby and Papercakes on twitter! (@formulamom)
mariahm22 at gmail dot com
I like PaperCakes on FB! (formula mom)
mariahm22 at gmail dot com
I like the cute Washcloth Set of Two in Lilac Chenille Juicy Jungle. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I'm a Paisley Baby fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I love the large wet bag in Turquoise Birds of a Feather.
madaleysah at gmail dot com
I like Paisley Baby on facebook. (Ashley Toth)
adaleysah at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via GFC. (Ashley)
adaleysah at gmail dot com
I like you both on twitter. (@owlheart)
adaleysah at gmail dot com
I like Paper*Cakes on facebook.
madaleysah at gmail dot com
So sorry, I just realized I was missing the 'm' at the beginning of my email address in the last post. Hope you notice this if I am lucky enough to win! It should read 'madaleysah at gmail dot com'.
Not to copy but I LOVE sipper snap handle bag in blue green vintage bittersweet but I could pick 20 and love em all
mischa.simpson at gmail dot com
I love the zipper snap handle wet bag with polka dots
I LOVE the pink regent bib!!
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
I follow you via GFC
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
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